Sunday, August 8, 2010

Risotto ai Funghi, Piselli e Salsiccia

  Amazing things happen with chicken stock, Aborio rice, mushroom, peas, onions, and Italian sausage! Mix them all together and viola! You get delicious risotto. That dish was a definite success! Day 5 and I tried a new recipe, risotto ai funghi, piselli e salsiccia, which is just risotto with mushroom, peas, and sausage. As soon as the aroma of butter and onions mixed together, I couldn't help but start-wait for it- DANCING. Not exactly dancing, it was more like a jump for joy, knowing this dish could not possibly turn out wrong. It was beautiful, later piled in warm soup plates topped with a sprinkle of Parmigiano Reggiano, it was a work of art.



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